Through lessons, activities, physical training, and drills, students learn to identify positive physical and mental habits and make changes to practices that negatively affect their well-being. Nutrition, sleep, exercise, life skills, careers, NASA studies, and competitions are just some of the subjects in and elements of the CHiSL curriculum that help students learn about their minds, bodies, and capabilities. Frequent exercises through HealtheTips and JAMmin’ Minute as well as One Minute of Gym (OMOG) woven throughout the lessons continuously remind all of how important it is to move. Likewise, One Minute of Zen (OMOZ) quick breaks inspire reflection and mindfulness. Videos and scenarios depicting sophisticated drill routines are available, and the President’s Physical Fitness Program is promoted as a regular, weekly fitness activity. Students discover what it means to adopt a healthy lifestyle, to respect physical and mental health, and to set smart goals to achieve optimal health and fitness.
Colorful Instructor Guides with clear notes for preparation and delivery.
Lessons are created in easy to use PowerPoint. The content is tagged to integrated with cutting-edge technology.
Student Learning Guides help the student know why each lesson is important, and the knowledge and skills they will learn along the way. They are filled with activities and learn vocabulary that is used throughout the lesson.